I bought some 12-packs of Coca-Cola, and have collected the My Coke Rewards codes from these packages. Since I don't think that I will redeem the My Coke Rewards codes, I have decided to post the codes here as a service to my readers. Feel free to claim the codes (hidden in my blog posts). Please post a comment (or send me an Email) after you have claimed the code, so that I can post the next code.
If you have any unused codes that you want to donate, please feel free to post them in the comments.
Update: This didn't exactly work out the way that I had planned. It seems that whenever I post a new code, it is found almost immediately. However, the person who redeems the code usually does not Email me or post a comment here. Instead, I find out from other readers that the code is already RNBM (Redeemed Not By Me).
Instead of posting new My Coke Rewards codes here, I've decided that I will hide the codes in some of my old posts. The codes will be harder to find, but rules are the same: please Email me, or post a comment saying that you've redeemed the code. Then I will erase the old code, and hide a new code somewhere else on my blog.
NEW Hint: I've hidden some unredeemed codes on links outside of this blog. So, leave no LINK unclicked! Happy hunting!
I used it; thank you very much!
Tried the code (ARFM...NKKX). If you have any other codes, I'd love to have them. Thanks! :)
You're welcome. I posted a new code today. Please send me an Email or leave a comment when you redeem the code. Check back again for new codes.
I tried the newest one as well (T5V5 PK9V L574) but I must've been too slow. LOL. Says it's already been used. I look forward to trying another. Thanks again!
8/10/2009 4NT4 H5WJ 5TBJ
has already been redeemed. Thanks for sharing though.
FMFR5057FJTL has been RNBM, but thanks anyway.
8/30/2009 T76F VFXX 50J0
Posted by pfstock at 6:55 AM
Already RNBM, but thanks for sharing.
PVMXV006NLMT is already RNBM.
As always, thanks for sharing.
That was most certainly a lot of work for 3 points, but I think I learned something while reading your blogs. That's always a plus.
9/10/09 965B BHXW BL7R has been RBM. I finally got one! Thanks, as always, for sharing.
Congratulations on finally redeeming a valid code! I am glad that it was found by somebody who posts comments.
I have hidden two more codes in my blog. This time both are from 12pk packages (worth 10 points each). Good luck!
Thanks so much PFStock. I am happy to say I found BOTH and they are REDEEMED BY ME. I'm not going to even post the codes, because I don't want to make it easy for others. They'll have to do the search the way I did. Thanks again for the 20 points.
Congratulations again! I will be hiding new My Coke Rewards codes soon. This time, I won't announce when I hide them, so keep checking back for new codes. Good luck!
Thanks so much, PFStock. I redeemed two 3-point codes. I'm most appreciative.
Thanks so much, PFStock. I redeemed one 3-point codes. I'm most appreciative.
Thanks for for sharing, PFStock. My latest find -- 3 pts. :)
Thanks so much, PFStock. I found a 3-point code this morning. Please know these are appreciated for our Special Ed Preschool. Thanks again.
I hid another 4 My Coke Rewards codes today. I've lost track of how many codes I've hidden, but they are now scattered among my various posts. All of the codes are valid at the time of posting, but any one code you find may have already been redeemed by a previous reader.
When somebody posts a comment saying that a particular code has been redeemed, I usually delete it from my blog and post a new one somewhere else. So, keep searching!
These were already redeemed from past dates:
95NL ATPR BPJN from 2006 (Hard Assets 06: San Francisco has been redeemed.
9TTJ FHTM 5XVW from 2007 (Interest Compounded Continuously) has been redeemed.
74W4 FP90 VAP0 from 2008 (Updates to the Blogroll) has been redeemed.
54MX 9M97 L7BJ from 2009 (Celebrate Arts Month and Win Prizes) has been redeemed.
4WV4 VXXN NTXA from 2009 (How Much Do You Make?) has been redeemed.
These were your latest hidden codes, all redeemed by me today. Thanks:
099A 9JT9 4AK9 from 2007 (Annoying Magazine Ads).
5A5A K4VK 0JR9 from 2008 (Caution: FDIC Misinformation is Rampant).
N0TV RN70 X476 from 2008 (What Happened to the Exuberant PF Bloggers?).
PFT7 PT94 6465 from 2009 (Blog List - Link Exchange).
I wanted to be sure to stop by and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, and I wanted to remind you that I am thankful for all you do on this blog. I hope you are able to relax with family and friends.
I found a website where you can get three free my cokerewards points, its not much but it adds up!
BLX9TM6PB6X6 was RBM. It was listed under:
Monday, August 3, 2009
Net Worth Update
Thanks so much.
Happy New Year, DC.
7R7ABL6KT6TB has been redeemed by me. Thanks a bunch!
I just hid a few more My Coke Rewards codes, and there might be a couple floating around that haven't yet been redeemed.
Happy hunting!
I went through all of your posts twice, and these were RBM:
Friday, February 8, 2008
The 1099 Waiting Game
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Determined Californians!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
H&R Block Giveaway Contest
Thanks so much!
Thanks for the following codes that I discovered:
Friday, June 1, 2007
Annoying Magazine Ads
Friday, January 25, 2008
What Happened to the Exuberant PF Bloggers?
A7PR 5HJM 5B77
Thanks for the following code that I found:
Monday, March 8, 2010
Fake USB Flash Drives
I hope all is well with you.
Thanks for the following codes that I found and are now RBM:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Sayonara NetBank
Friday, September 1, 2006
Citibank Dividend MasterCard
Thanks for the following codes that I found and are now RBM:
Friday, November 14, 2008
Yodlee Account Errors
0PW7 L040 FJJ0
Monday, May 17, 2010
Good Riddance Beal Bank
You're welcome. I have hidden some unredeemed codes on outgoing links from this blog. So, leave no link unclicked! Also, there may be a few codes floating around on PFStock that haven't yet been redeemed.
Well, I've spent well over two hours searching. Maybe I don't know what an outside link is, but I clicked on anything "green" including "links" at the top of your home page. I even checked in the comments for each post. I found nothing new. Thanks.
The hint that I'll give you is that the link goes to another site that I control, or that I asked somebody else to hide my Coke Rewards Codes on a site that I link to, or both. I like to keep things interesting. :) Another hint is to check out some of the posts that I wrote earlier this year.
hello! these codes from your posts have been RBM. thank you so much :)
These RNBM:
BV0BKXM 7B75NWM (2/12/2011)
40WF 6KHV 75JK (12/22/2010)
Very useful blog Thanks for sharing your knowledge..
Thanks for the MCR codes!
Nothing like an old fashion sweet tooth.
Hi! Are you still posting MCR codes?
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