Get cash back when using your Discover Card. I am not talking about the Discover Card Cashback bonus that you earn for making purchases on a Discover Card. Rather, I'm talking about using the Discover Card in a supermarket, and then choosing cash back as a option during checkout. Here in Silicon Valley, California, I have gotten cash back from Safeway and Nob Hill Foods. You can get up to $50 from Safeway, and $30 from Nob Hill. This works out to be a nice interest free loan, as I pay off the card every month. It also saves me a trip to the ATM. And, I earn cashback on the cash back since it goes on my statement as being a purchase.
Of course, I do not recommend this strategy to people who run a balance on their credit card, and end up paying interest charges on the money.
Does anybody know of other supermarkets that allow you get get cash back on a credit card purchase?
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4 months ago
Here in the Chicago area, I can (and very often do) get Cash Over on my DiscoverCard at Dominick's Supermarkets and avoid those unfair ATM charges levied by the banks.
Thanks for the tip. Dominick's and Safeway are owned by the same company. So I'm not surprised that they have a similar policy of allowing cash back when using a Discover Card.
They stopped the cashback program in NYC a few years ago.
Here in New Jersey I can get cash back in Shoprite and Walmart. I never tried it. I was always skeptical that it would show up as a cash advance. But after reading this, i am going try it the next time i'm there.
I want to know in South carolina what supermarkets allow you to get cash back while @ the checkout. Also what supermarkets in North Carolina also I have a home there also.
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